Your Pension Fund is generally one of your most important assets and deciding to transfer should not be taken lightly. The main reasons to consider a UK Pension Transfer include:
- Concerns Over Final Salary Schemes: Will your fund be able to pay your pension at retirement?
- Flexibility as to how and when you access your pension
- Potential for Earlier Access: Potential to access your pension from 55
- Consolidation: Move several pensions in one scheme to save costs and make it easier to manage
- Lifetime Allowance (LTA) Concerns: If you are worried about exceeding your LTA a transfer may help
- Current Transfer Value: Transfer Values are higher due to low Gilt rates and incentives from employers
- Control: Over when and how much you invest in your pension and which investment vehicles to choose
- Range of Investments: SIPPs are versatile investment vehicles as they can hold a range of defined assets including commercial property